Background by Eva Bronzini on Pexels
April 19, 2024

Cache-Line Hash Table

Posted on April 19, 2024  •  17 minutes  • 3450 words
Table of contents


In the world of multi-core processors, managing concurrent access to data structures is crucial for efficient performance. But frequent updates can trigger a hidden bottleneck: cache coherence traffic. This traffic arises when one core modifies the data another core has cached, forcing updates and invalidation across the system.

This article dives into a clever solution: the Cache-Line Hash Table (CLHT). CLHTs are specifically designed to minimize this cache coherence traffic, boosting the speed of concurrent data access. We’ll explore the core ideas behind CLHTs, including:

Understanding CPU Cache line and Cache Coherency

To execute an instruction, CPUs need to fetch the instruction and its data (John von Neumann’s design) (from RAM/caches). Accessing RAM (/DRAM) for fetching data and instruction is expensive, usually in the orders of 50-100ns. To minimize the latency cost, CPUs have caches: L1, L2, L3 and in some cases L4. While L1 and L2 caches are private to each core, L3 can be shared between cores. The size of these caches increase from L1 to L4, and so does the latency cost.

Let’s focus on data access.

Anytime a CPU executes an operation, it checks for the required data in the cache hierarchy, in the following order L1, L2, L3 and (/L4). If the data is not available in any of these caches, it is fetched from RAM and stored in these caches.

Let’s consider that a program needs to read the value at index i of an uint64 array. When a CPU executes this instruction, it won’t fetch just the 8 bytes of value. Instead, it will fetch a contiguous chunk of memory, on x86 systems this chunk is 64 bytes in size. This chunk is called CPU cache line. This means, all the CPU caches organize the data in form of cache lines. This approach improves efficiency by fetching multiple potentially related pieces of data in one go.

On multi-core processors it is possible for multiple cores to cache the same chunk of memory in their own L1 or L2 cache. This means, the same cache line can be present in different cores.

Continuing with our previous example of the arrray, imagine a thread A running on CPU 1 and other thread B running on CPU 2 have cached the same cache line corresponding to the array indices 0-7. Consider that thread A modifies the value at index 5. This means the cached copy of this cache line is stale on CPU 2.

Cache coherency is the problem of ensuring that local caches in a multi-core processor system stay in sync. The problem is solved by a hardware device called “cache controller” which will invalidate the local copy of the cache on CPU 2 and the invalidated cache line will be refetched from RAM.

One of the goals behind CLHTs is to minimize this cache coherence traffic.

Understanding CLHT (Cache-Line Hash table)

CLHT stands for cache-line hash table as it tries to put one bucket per CPU cache line. The core idea behind the design of CLHT is to minimize the amount cache coherence traffic. In concurrent data structures, cache coherence traffic is generated when a thread running on a core updates a cache line while the other remote cores hold the same cache line. In this scenario, cache coherence protocol would kick in, thus requiring the other cores to invalidate the cache line and fetch it from RAM.

CLHT has the following ideas:

I will be taking the example of the MapOf implementation from xsync which is a CLHT-inspired concurrent hash map.

The core abstraction MapOf contains an unsafe pointer to the mapOfTable struct.

type MapOf[K comparable, V any] struct {
	//other fields omitted.
	table        unsafe.Pointer // *mapOfTable

The abstraction mapOfTable contains a slice of buckets.

const entriesPerMapBucket = 3

type mapOfTable[K comparable, V any] struct {
    //other fields omitted.
	buckets []bucketOfPadded

type bucketOfPadded struct {
    pad [cacheLineSize - unsafe.Sizeof(bucketOf{})]byte

type bucketOf struct {
    hashes  [entriesPerMapBucket]uint64
    entries [entriesPerMapBucket]unsafe.Pointer // *entryOf
    next    unsafe.Pointer                      // *bucketOfPadded
    mu      sync.Mutex

type entryOf[K comparable, V any] struct {
    key   K
    value V

The buckets are linearly linked using the next field at each index. CLHT puts one bucket per CPU cache line, this simply means that the size of each bucket should be equal to the CPU cache line size .

With entriesPerMapBucket as 3, the size of a single instance of bucketOf is 64 bytes, which is the size of CPU cache line on x86 systems. Each instance of bucketOf contains three hashes and three entries.

Each entry is an unsafe pointer to the entryOf struct which contains a key/value pair.

The abstraction MapOf uses unsafe pointers which are later used in atomic pointer operations, like atomic.StorePointer(&b.entries[i], unsafe.Pointer(newEntry)).

An unsafe pointer represents a pointer an arbitrary type. Let’s take a quick example of converting a byte slice to string using unsafe.

func toString(buffer []byte) string {
   unsafePointer := unsafe.Pointer(&buffer)
   stringPointer := (*string)(unsafePointer)
  return *stringPointer

This snippet creates an unsafe pointer using the address of the byte slice, casts it to a string pointer and then dereferences it to get string. This works because both the byte slice and the string share an equivalent memory layout and the resulting string is not larger than the input byte slice.

The design of xsync MapOf is presented in the below image.

Design of xsync MapOf

Understanding the Load Operation

The Load operation returns the value if the target key is present, else returns a zero value of type V.

func (m *MapOf[K, V]) Load(key K) (value V, ok bool) {
	table := (*mapOfTable[K, V])(atomic.LoadPointer(&m.table))
	hash := shiftHash(m.hasher(key, table.seed))
	bucketIndex := uint64(len(table.buckets)-1) & hash
	rootBucket := &table.buckets[bucketIndex]
	for {
		for i := 0; i < entriesPerMapBucket; i++ {
			h := atomic.LoadUint64(&rootBucket.hashes[i])
			if h == uint64(0) || h != hash {
			entryPointer := atomic.LoadPointer(&rootBucket.entries[i])
			if entryPointer == nil {
			entry := (*entryOf[K, V])(entryPointer)
			if entry.key == key {
				return entry.value, true
		bucketPointer := atomic.LoadPointer(&
		if bucketPointer == nil {
		rootBucket = (*bucketOfPadded)(bucketPointer)

The idea behind the Load operation can be summarized as:

Here’s a breakdown of the takeaways:

  1. Faster comparison using hashes

Hash comparison (comparing uint64 bits -> 8 bytes) is faster than comparing the actual keys, if the keys are bigger than 8 bytes. This is an optimization where the keys are only compared after the hash of the target key matches with the hash at an index i. There could be false positives (two keys may have the same hash), hence key comparison is eventually needed.

  1. No locks

The method Load does not use locks, it loads the three fields (entries, next pointer and hashes) atomically. This means, the Load method will always see their values either before or after the write operation.

  1. Cache aligned buckets

CLHT puts one bucket per CPU cache line. The Load operation loads the entire bucket (cache line) from RAM to the CPU cache(s). Since, the entire bucket is loaded in CPU cache(s), any further comparison on entries in the bucket will not need to access RAM.

Understanding the Store Operation

The method Store stores the key/value pair in the map.

func (m *MapOf[K, V]) Store(key K, value V) {
		func(V, bool) (V, bool) {
			return value, false

This method calls doCompute, so we will take a look at that method. However, doCompute does multiple things. So, we will take a look at it in parts.

Identifying the bucket

table := (*mapOfTable[K, V])(atomic.LoadPointer(&m.table))
tableLen := len(table.buckets)
hash := shiftHash(m.hasher(key, table.seed))
bucketIndex := uint64(len(table.buckets)-1) & hash

The idea can be summarized as:

The field table is refers to an instance of mapOfTable. The abstraction mapOfTable contains a collection of buckets.

type mapOfTable[K comparable, V any] struct {
  //other fields omitted.
  buckets []bucketOfPadded

To ensure that there is always the latest information of the table field, it is loaded atomically. This atomic access becomes crucial because a previous resize operation might have already changed the internal structure of the map (adding or removing buckets). By reading atomically, we avoid any inconsistencies that could lead to errors.

Acquire a lock on the identified bucket

rootBucket := &table.buckets[bucketIndex]

To prevent multiple goroutines from writing to the same bucket simultaneously, each bucket has a lock. This lock, of the type sync.Mutex in Go, is acquired within the doCompute method. This ensures that only one goroutine can modify a particular bucket at any given time.

Identify an empty entry slot

This involves finding an empty entry slot in an existing bucket.

for i := 0; i < entriesPerMapBucket; i++ {
    hashValue := atomic.LoadUint64(&currentBucket.hashes[i])
    if hashValue == uint64(0) {
        if emptyb == nil {
            emptyb = currentBucket
            emptyidx = i
    if hashValue != hash {
    entry := (*entryOf[K, V])(currentBucket.entries[i])

The idea can be summarized as:

Store the key/value pair in an empty entry slot

This involves storing the key/value pair in the existing bucket at an empty entry slot.

if == nil {
    if emptyb != nil {
        // Insertion into an existing bucket.
        var zeroedV V
        newValue, del := valueFn(zeroedV, false)
        newe := new(entryOf[K, V])
        newe.key = key
        newe.value = newValue
        // First we update the hash, then the entry.
        atomic.StoreUint64(&emptyb.hashes[emptyidx], hash)
        atomic.StorePointer(&emptyb.entries[emptyidx], unsafe.Pointer(newe))
        table.addSize(bucketIndex, 1)
        return newValue, computeOnly

The idea can be summarized as:

Store in a new bucket, if all the linearly linked buckets at the identified bucket index are full

Store the key/value pair in a new bucket and link the new bucket atomically.

if == nil {
    // Insertion into a new bucket.
    var zeroedV V
    newValue, del := valueFn(zeroedV, false)
    // Create and append the bucket.
    newb := new(bucketOfPadded)
    newb.hashes[0] = hash
    newe := new(entryOf[K, V])
    newe.key = key
    newe.value = newValue
    newb.entries[0] = unsafe.Pointer(newe)
    atomic.StorePointer(&, unsafe.Pointer(newb))
    table.addSize(bucketIndex, 1)
    return newValue, computeOnly

The idea can be summarized as:

The Store operation also checks if a resize operation is in progress.

if m.resizeInProgress() {
    // Resize is in progress. Wait, then go for another attempt.
    goto compute_attempt

if m.newerTableExists(table) {
    // Someone resized the table. Go for another attempt.
    goto compute_attempt

func (m *MapOf[K, V]) resizeInProgress() bool {
	return atomic.LoadInt64(&m.resizing) == 1

func (m *MapOf[K, V]) newerTableExists(table *mapOfTable[K, V]) bool {
	curTablePtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&m.table)
	return uintptr(curTablePtr) != uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(table))

This code ensures data consistency during writes even when the map is being resized. Here’s how it works:

If the doCompute operation detects a resize happening, it waits for the resize to finish. Then, it starts the entire operation from scratch to ensure it’s working with the latest structure of the map.

If a resize happens after the doCompute operation has already begun (but wasn’t ongoing at the start), the code recognizes this potential inconsistency. It releases the lock it might be holding and starts the entire operation again. This guarantees the operation uses the most recent map structure.

Here’s a breakdown of the takeaways from the Store operation:

  1. Concurrent Safety with Bucket Locks:

Each bucket has its own lock, to control writes. This lock (sync.Mutex in Go) is acquired in the doCompute method. This ensures only one goroutine can modify a particular bucket at a time, preventing conflicts when multiple goroutines try to write to the same bucket at once.

  1. Balancing Buckets and Contention:

If you have a large number of goroutines (like 9000) writing to the map, increasing the number of buckets can improve performance. Think of buckets as separate lines at a store checkout. More buckets mean fewer goroutines waiting in line (contention) for the same bucket. The ideal number of buckets should be determined through performance tests (benchmarks) to find the right balance.

  1. Atomic Operations for Consistency:

Inside a bucket, the Store method updates three parts (next pointer, entry, and hash). These fields are written atomically. This ensures that no goroutine sees these parts in an inconsistent state.

Consider two goroutines, one is doing the Store operation and the other is doing the Load operation on the same key that the store goroutine is trying to put.

The goroutine performing the Store operation finds an empty slot and updates the hash and then the entry by executing atomic.StoreUint64(&emptyb.hashes[emptyidx], hash) and atomic.StorePointer(&emptyb.entries[emptyidx], unsafe.Pointer(newe)).

It is possible for the goroutine performing the Load operation to see the updated hash because the hash might have been written by the store goroutine at an index i, but the value might not have been written yet. So, the load goroutine will not see the value despite seeing the updated hash. It will return with the empty value. This is still the expected behavior.

The complete method is available here .

One of the key benefits of CLHT is its minimal impact on CPU cache lines during writes (store operations). This is because each store operation only modifies a single bucket. Regardless of whether it updates an existing bucket or creates a new one, only a single cache line of data is written.

Understanding the Resize Operation

Let’s take a look at the resize operation which can increase or decrease the number of buckets in the map. In this section, we’ll delve deeper into how the resize operation handles map growth.

Ensure one resize at a time

There can be only one resize running at a time.

if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&m.resizing, 0, 1) {
    // Someone else started resize. Wait for it to finish.

This method checks to see if an existing resize operation is running. CompareAndSwapInt64 will compare the value of the field resizing with 0. The zero value for the field resizing signifies that there is no resize operation in progress.

If resizing is 0, it will be set to 1 and the resize operation will proceed. Else, CompareAndSwapInt64 will fail and the goroutine will wait for the ongoing resize operation to finish and return.

Access the current table atomically

Consider that there is no resize operation in progress.

table := (*mapOfTable[K, V])(atomic.LoadPointer(&m.table))
tableLen := len(table.buckets)

The table field is an unsafe pointer that refers to mapOfTable.

type MapOf[K comparable, V any] struct {
	table        unsafe.Pointer // *mapOfTable

The method accesses the table field to find the total number of buckets present in the table (/map). The field is accessed atomically to ensure that the consistent view of the table is obtained. This atomic access becomes crucial because a previous resize operation might have already changed the internal structure of the map (adding or removing buckets). By reading atomically, we avoid any inconsistencies that could lead to errors.

Increase the table size locally

The next step is to increase the table size. We already know that the field table needs to be operated on atomically. This means unless the new table (/method local table) is ready, this field is not touched.

var newTable *mapOfTable[K, V]
case mapGrowHint:
    // Grow the table with factor of 2.
    atomic.AddInt64(&m.totalGrowths, 1)
    newTable = newMapOfTable[K, V](tableLen << 1)

To grow the table, a new method local table is created with twice the size of the existing table.

Remap the existing keys

The next step is to go through all the buckets in the existing table and map all the keys to the new structure.

for i := 0; i < tableLen; i++ {
    //remap the keys of the existing bucket at index i into the new table.
    copied := copyBucketOf(&table.buckets[i], newTable, m.hasher)
func copyBucketOf[K comparable, V any](
	b *bucketOfPadded,
	destTable *mapOfTable[K, V],
	hasher func(K, uint64) uint64,
) (copied int) {

	rootb := b
	for {
		for i := 0; i < entriesPerMapBucket; i++ {
			if b.entries[i] != nil {
				e := (*entryOf[K, V])(b.entries[i])
				hash := shiftHash(hasher(e.key, destTable.seed))
				bidx := uint64(len(destTable.buckets)-1) & hash
				destb := &destTable.buckets[bidx]
				appendToBucketOf(hash, b.entries[i], destb)
		if == nil {
		b = (*bucketOfPadded)(

The idea behind copyBucketOf can be summarized as:

Finish resize

The last step is to mark the resizing done.

// Publish the new table and wake up all waiters.
atomic.StorePointer(&m.table, unsafe.Pointer(newTable))
atomic.StoreInt64(&m.resizing, 0)

The idea can be summarized as:


Imagine a machine with 128 cores, where a thread on core 1 needs to update data. This update involves three cache lines, and unfortunately, all these lines are also cached by every other core.

In a traditional approach, this update triggers a chain reaction:

Heavy Bus Traffic

Core 1 writes the updated lines, causing a lot of traffic on the CPU bus, a shared pathway for communication.

Cache Invalidation

Since other cores have copies of these lines, cache coherence protocol kicks in. This protocol invalidates the outdated copies in other cores’ caches.

Reloading from RAM

Invalidated cores are forced to fetch the latest data from main memory (RAM), further increasing traffic and potentially slowing down the system.

This process, known as cache coherence traffic, can become a significant bottleneck in multi-core systems with frequent writes.

Cache-Line Hash Tables (CLHT) offer a clever solution for managing concurrent data access in multi-core processors. By keeping one bucket per CPU cache line, CLHT minimizes the disruptive effects of cache coherence traffic during write operations. With CLHT, updates primarily modify a single bucket, ensuring only one cache line is written at a time.

