Background by Thomas Stephan on Unsplash
April 4, 2021

Diving into Java Bytecode

Posted on April 4, 2021  •  17 minutes  • 3512 words
Table of contents

Java code is compiled into an intermediate representation called "bytecode". It is this bytecode which gets executed by JVM and is later converted into machine specific instructions by JIT compiler. With this article, we attempt to dive into bytecode and understand the internals of various bytecode operations.

Let’s get an understanding of some terms before we start to dive in.



An intermediate representation of Java code which JVM understands.

This intermediate representation is called bytecode because each "opcode" is represented by 1 byte. This effectively means, a total of 256 opcodes are possible.

These opcodes may take arguments and arguments can be up to 2 bytes long. This means a bytecode instruction which is a combination of an opcode and arguments could be as long as 3 bytes.

We will see various opcodes as we move on, but let’s take a quick glimpse of an instruction which is an output from javap utility -

9: iconst_0


Standard Java class file disassembler distributed with JDK. It provides a human-readable format of class file.

javap -p -v -c <path to the class file>

-p => display private methods
-v => be verbose
-c => disassemble the source code

Quick overview of class file structure

Let’s take a quick look at the structure of the class file. Don’t worry if something is not clear at this stage, it should become clear as we proceed with examples. Let’s take a simple example to understand what constitutes our class file.

(Please note: bytecode is trimmed for the entire article).

final public class SumOfN implements Serializable {
    private final int n;
    public SumOfN(int n) {
        this.n = n;
    public int sum() {
        //code left out


public final class SumOfN implements
   minor version: 0
   major version: 59
   flags: (0x0031) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_FINAL, ACC_SUPER
   this_class: #8                          // org/sample/SumOfN
   super_class: #2                         // java/lang/Object
   interfaces: 1, fields: 1, methods: 2, attributes: 1
   Constant pool:
      #2 = Class              #4             // java/lang/Object
      #4 = Utf8               java/lang/Object
      #8 = Class              #10            // org/sample/SumOfN
      #10 = Utf8              org/sample/SumOfN

Magic number (0xCAFEBABE) is what every class file starts with. The first four bytes indicate that it is a class file and, the remaining four bytes indicate the minor and major versions used to compile the source file.

Major and minor version indicate the version of JDK used to compile the source file. In the previous example minor version is 0 and major version is 59 (which is Java SE 15).

Flags indicate the modifiers that are applied to the class. In the previous example, we have ACC_PUBLIC indicating it is a public class, ACC_FINAL indicating it is a final class, ACC_SUPER exists for backward compatibility for the code compiled by Sun’s older compilers for the Java programming language. (More on this here )

Constant pool Is a part of class file which contains -

which are used in a class. Various opcodes like invokevirtual refer to constant pool entry to identify the virtual method to be invoked.

1: invokevirtual #7  // Method run:()Ljava/lang/Object;

Here, invokevirtual takes an argument which refers to an entry in the constant pool and, the entry indicates the method to be called along with its parameter and return type.

this_class refers to an entry (#8) in the constant pool, which in turn refers to another entry (#10) in the pool that returns org/sample/SumOfN. Effectively, this_class holds the name of the current class.

super_class refers to an entry (#2) in the constant pool, which in turn refers to another entry (#4) in the pool that returns java.lang.Object Effectively, super_class holds the name of the super class.

interfaces, fields, methods respectively indicate the number of interfaces implemented by the class, number of fields that the class holds and the number of methods that the class has.

attributes are used in the class file, field level information, method information, and code attribute structures. One example of an attribute is Exceptions which indicates which checked exceptions a method may throw. This attribute is attached to method_info structure.

This was a very quick overview of class file structure, for more details please check this link.

Bytecode execution model

JVM operates using stack as its execution model. Stack is a collection of frames, each of which is allocated when a method is invoked.

A stack frame consists of -

Operand Stack Most of the opcodes operate by pushing-in or popping-out value to or from the operand stack. Eg; iconst_0 pushes 0 on top of the stack.

LocalVariableTable (an array of local variables) In order to allow a variable to be assigned a value, a local variable table is used. LocalVariableTable is a simple data structure which contains the name of the variable, its data type, its slot along with some other fields.

LocalVariableTable contains -

Eg; istore_1 is an opcode which stores an integer value into LocalVariableTable at slot 1 by picking value from top of the stack.

Introducing bytecode opcodes

Let’s take a simple example which adds 2 integers, to understand opcodes and their execution.


public class AdditionExample {
    public int execute() {
        int addend = 10;
        int augend = 20;
        return addend + augend;

bytecode (AdditionExample)

public class AdditionExample {
public AdditionExample();
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1   // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return

    public int execute();
          stack=2, locals=3, args_size=1
            0: bipush        10
            2: istore_1
            3: bipush        20
            5: istore_2
            6: iload_1
            7: iload_2
            8: iadd
            9: ireturn

        Start  Length  Slot  Name     Signature
            0      10     0  this     Lorg/sample/AdditionExample;
            3       7     1  addend   I
            6       4     2  augend   I

The bytecode of AdditionExample() should become clear as we move on but first let’s understand the bytecode of execute method -

  1. The Java compiler has indicated the depth of stack needed during the execution of this method. stack=2 means at any point during this method execution we will have a maximum of 2 entries on the stack. locals=3 indicate that there are 3 local variables which will need to go in LocalVariableTable. One variable is addend, other is augend and the last is this. args_size=1 indicates one object needs to be initialized before the method call, which again is this
  2. bipush is an opcode which pushes a byte sized integer on the stack. It takes an argument which is 10 in our case
  3. istore_1 takes the value from top of the stack, which is 10 and assigns it into LocalVariableTable at slot 1. This opcode removes the value from stack top
  4. bipush now pushes 20 to the top of the stack
  5. istore_2 takes the value from top of the stack, which is 20 and assigns it into LocalVariableTable at slot 2
  6. At this stage, values 10 and 20 have been assigned to addend and augend in LocalVariableTable, and our stack is empty. This means these 2 values need to be brought into stack before an addition can be performed
  7. iload_1 copies the value from slot 1 of LocalVariableTable to the stack
  8. iload_2 copies the value from slot 2 of LocalVariableTable to the stack
  9. Stack now contains 10 and 20. iadd pops 2 integer values from top 2 positions of the stack and sums them up. It stores the result back in the stack top
  10. ireturn takes the value from stack top and returns an integer

Following diagram represents the overall execution -

Few things to note-

Quick summary of opcodes that we have seen so far -

istore_slotTakes an integer value from top of the stack and assigns it into LocalVariableTable at defined slot
iload_slotCopies the value from defined slot of LocalVariableTable to the stack
bipushPushes a byte sized integer on the stack

Let’s take another example, which is a slight modification of the first one. The idea is to invoke a method from another method.


public class AdditionExample {
    public int execute() {
        return add();
    private int add() {
        int addend = 10;
        int augend = 20;
        return addend + augend;

bytecode (MethodInvocation)

public class AdditionExample {
Constant pool:
#7 = Methodref          #8.#9          // org/sample/AdditionExample.add:()I
#8 = Class              #10            // org/sample/AdditionExample
#9 = NameAndType        #11:#12        // add:()I
#10 = Utf8              org/sample/AdditionExample
#11 = Utf8              add
#12 = Utf8              ()I

    public AdditionExample();
            0: aload_0
            1: invokespecial #1    // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
            4: return
    public int execute();
            0: aload_0
            1: invokevirtual #7   // Method add:()I
            4: ireturn
    private int add();
            0: bipush        10
            2: istore_1
            3: bipush        20
            5: istore_2
            6: iload_1
            7: iload_2
            8: iadd
            9: ireturn

Bytecode in add method should look very familiar 😁. Let’s look at the bytecode for execute method which only invokes add method-

  1. aload_0 copies the value from slot 0 of LocalVariableTable to the stack. Slot 0 of LocalVariableTable contains this, which means stack top now contains this
  2. Now is the time to invoke the private method add of the same class. invokevirtual is used for invoking a virtual method and, it takes a parameter which is a reference to an entry in the constant pool. Let’s see how does this entry get used -
    • Entries in constant pool are composable, which means an entry could be created by referring to other entries
    • #7 is a method reference entry which refers to #8 and #9
    • #8 refers to an entry #10 which specifies the name of the class org/sample/AdditionExample
    • #9 refers to entries #11 and #12 which specify the method name add along with its signature ()I (no parameters, integer return type) respectively
    • #7 in short, provides a complete signature of the add method including its class name org/sample/AdditionExample.add:()I
  3. Our stack contains this which will be used for invoking add method
  4. invokevirtual pops the entry from stack top which is this, invokes add method and stores the result in stack top
  5. ireturn takes the value from stack top and returns an integer

javap by default does not return the output for private methods, use -p flag to see the output for private methods.

One of the questions that is worth answering is “how does invokevirtual know about the number entries to be popped out?”. In order to answer this, we will modify our previous example slightly and see the behavior of invokevirtual.

MethodInvocation with parameters

public class AdditionExample {
    public int execute() {
        return add(10, 20);

    private int add(int addend, int augend) {
        return addend + augend;

bytecode (MethodInvocation with parameters)

public class AdditionExample {
public AdditionExample();

    public int execute();
            0: aload_0
            1: bipush        10
            3: bipush        20
            5: invokevirtual #7       // Method add:(II)I
            8: ireturn
    private int add(int, int);

Let’s look at the bytecode for execute method again -

  1. this is pushed on the stack, followed by push of values 10 and 20
  2. Stack contains this, 10 and 20
  3. There is a change in signature of the method which will be invoked by invokevirtual. add now takes 2 integer parameters and returns an integer. Method signature is denoted by add:(II)I
  4. invokevirtual now needs to pop 3 entries from the stack, 2 integers which were pushed using bipush opcode and a reference to this which was pushed using aload_0
  5. Once it pops the entries, add method is invoked and, the result is stored in stack top
  6. ireturn takes the value from stack top and returns an integer

Effectively, invokevirtual knows the number of entries to be popped based on the signature of the method to be invoked. As seen in previous example, in order to invoke a method which takes 2 parameters, we need to pop 2 values from the stack along with an instance of the current class.

Quick summary of opcodes that we have seen so far -

aload_slotCopies the address value from a defined slot of LocalVariableTable to the stack, a stands for address
invokevirtualInvokes virtual method, pops the entries from stack based on the signature of the method to be invoked

Opcodes for object creation

Let’s take an example to understand the bytecode that gets generated during object creation.

public class Book {
    public Book(String name, Date publishingDate) {
    public Date publishingDate() {
        return new Date();

This example uses java.util.Date, (don’t ask why) and returns a new Date as a part of publishingDate method (again, don’t ask why 😁).

bytecode (Object creation)

public class Book {
public java.util.Date publishingDate();
   0: new           #7     // class java/util/Date
   3: dup
   4: invokespecial #9     // Method java/util/Date."<init>":()V
   7: areturn

This is a new territory that we are going into. Let’s understand the bytecode -

  1. new allocates the required memory for the object but does not call the constructor. It refers to the constant pool and identifies the object which is java/util/Date here, and allocates the required memory
  2. Our stack now contains the object reference created by new
  3. Before we understand dup, let’ understand the need for it -
    • Let’s assume there is no dup
    • Our stack contains an object reference which means it is referring to some memory allocated by new opcode
    • So far our date object has not been initialized. We need another opcode (invokespecial) for initializing it
    • invokespecial is used for invoking special methods like constructors. invokespecial refers to an entry in the constant pool (#9), resolves it to the init method of java.util.Date class.
    • invokespecial will pop the entry from stack top and invoke the init method of java.util.Date. This means our date object is fully initialized now
    • But, now our stack does not contain any reference to the newly created object because it was popped by invokespecial to invoke a method which does not return anything
  4. So, we need dup to duplicate the entry on stack top
  5. invokespecial pops the entry from stack top, invokes the init method of java.util.Date class to initialize the object
  6. We now have the stack containing an object reference which refers to the fully created java.util.Date instance
  7. areturn takes the value from stack top and returns java.util.Date address

Following diagram represents the overall execution -

Quick summary of opcodes that we have seen so far -

newAllocates the required memory for the object does not call the object constructor
dupDuplicates the entry present on stack top
invokespecialInvokes special methods like constructors

Combining things together

Time to take one last example and validate our learning.

public class SumOfN {
    private final int n;
    public SumOfN(int n) {
        this.n = n;
    public int sum() {
      int sum = 0;
      for (int number = 1; number <= n; number++) {
        sum = sum + number;
      return sum;

bytecode (SumOfN) constructor

public class SumOfN {
    private final int n;

    public SumOfN(int);
            0: aload_0
            1: invokespecial #1     // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
            4: aload_0
            5: iload_1
            6: putfield      #7     // Field n:I
            9: return
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0      10     0  this   Lorg/sample/SumOfN;
            0      10     1     n   I

Let’s begin with SumOfN(int) constructor and understand the bytecode. Instead of going through the code first, let’s try and, figure out what might the bytecode look like by understanding what needs to be done.

What needs to be doneHow can it be done
We should be able to invoke the constructor of java.lang.Objectload this reference on the stack, which is what aload_0 does
invoke init method of java.lang.Object which is what invokespecial does. It pops this reference from stack top
We should be able to store the value of n in class fieldload this reference on the stack, which is what aload_0 does
load the value of n on the stack from LocalVariableTable, which is what iload_1 does. n has slot 1 in LocalVariableTable
put the value of n in class field, which is what putfield does. It pops the 2 entries from stack top, one is this and other is the value of n and sets the class field

All these opcodes make up our constructor. Let’s now jump to the sum method.

bytecode (SumOfN) sum method

public int sum();
      0: iconst_0
      1: istore_1
      2: iconst_1
      3: istore_2
      4: iload_2
      5: aload_0
      6: getfield      #7     // Field n:I
      9: if_icmpgt     22
      12: iload_1
      13: iload_2
      14: iadd
      15: istore_1
      16: iinc          2, 1
      19: goto          4
      22: iload_1
      23: ireturn

    Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
        4      18     2  number   I
        0      24     0  this     Lorg/sample/SumOfN;
        2      22     1  sum      I
What needs to be doneCode snippetHow can it be done
Initialize sum with a value 0int sum = 0iconst_0 and istore_1 should be able to put 0 on the stack and assign it to local variable sum. sum variable has slot 1 in LocalVariableTable
Initialize number with a value 1int number = 1iconst_1 and istore_2 should be able to put 1 on the stack and assign it to local variable number. number variable has slot 2 in LocalVariableTable
We should be able to compare the value of number and the value of the class field n. In order for this to happen, we need to load the value of number and this reference on the stack. We need this reference to be able to get the value of instance variable nnumber <= this.niload_2 and aload_0 should be able to copy the value of number variable from slot 2 and this reference from slot 0 on the stack
We should be able get the value of class field nthis.ngetfield should be able to help here. It pops the class instance to get the field value. The field value goes on the stack. Now, our stack contains value of number and n
Perform the required comparison. If the condition indicates exit from the loop, return the value present on the stack topnumber <= this.nif_icmpgt does the integer comparison. It pops the top 2 integer values from the stack and does the comparison (number > n). If condition returns true, it takes an argument which is the instruction offset to jump to
If the condition indicates loop continuation, load the value of sum and number variable to be able to perform additionsum + numberiload_1 and iload_2 should do it. Now our stack has 2 values which are ready for addition
Perform additionsum + numberiadd does the integer addition. Pops the top 2 values from the stack and puts the result back in the stack
Assign the result of addition to the variable sumsum = sum + numberistore_1 would do the job. It takes the value from stack top and assign the value in variable sum
Increment the value of numbernumber = number + 1iinc does integer increment and takes 2 parameters. First one is the LocalVariableTable slot and other one is the increment. It is one of the opcodes that does not work with stack. It increments the value at a specific slot in LocalVariableTable
Repeat stepsNAgoto is the opcode which transfers the control to a specific instruction set

Following diagram represents the overall execution of sum method -


Let’s conclude with some key takeaways -

Hope it was meaningful. Appreciate the feedback.
