Background by Alessio Soggetti on Unsplash
May 27, 2018

Kotlin DSL

Posted on May 27, 2018  •  5 minutes  • 1054 words
Table of contents

A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain. This is in contrast to a general-purpose language (GPL), which is broadly applicable across domains. There are a wide variety of DSLs, ranging from widely used languages for common domains, such as HTML for web pages, down to languages used by only one or a few pieces of software.

Kotlin DSL

Kotlin provides first class support for DSL which allows us to express domain-specific operations much more concisely than an equivalent piece of code in a general-purpose language. Let’s try and build a simple DSL in Kotlin -

dependencies {

This should be familiar to people using gradle as their build tool. Above DSL specifies compile and testCompile dependencies for a gradle project in very concise and expressive form.

How does Kotlin support DSL

Before we get in to Kotlin’s support for DSL, let’s look at lambdas in Kotlin.

fun buildString(action: (StringBuilder) -> Unit): String {
   val sb = StringBuilder()
   return sb.toString()

buildString() takes a lambda as a parameter (called action) and invokes it by passing an instance of StringBuilder. Any client code which invokes buildString() will look like the below code -

val str = buildString {
    it.append(" ")

A few things to note here:

This information is good enough to write a gradle dependencies DSL.

First Attempt at DSL

In order to build a gradle dependencies DSL we need a function called dependencies which should take a lambda of type T as a parameter where T provides compile and testCompile functions. Let’s try:

fun dependencies(action: (DependencyHandler) -> Unit): DependencyHandler {
    val dependencies = DependencyHandler()
    return dependencies

class DependencyHandler {
    fun compile(coordinate: String){
        //add coordinate to some collection
    fun testCompile(coordinate: String){
        //add coordinate to some collection

dependencies is a simple function which takes a lambda accepting an instance of DependencyHandler as a parameter and returns Unit. DependencyHandler is the type T which has compile and testCompile methods. Client code for the above concept will look like -

dependencies {
    it.compile("") //it is an instance of DependencyHandler

Are we done? Not really. The problem is the implicit parameter it is used in the client code. Can we remove it? To remove the implicit parameter, we need to look at “Lambda With Receiver”.

Lambda with receiver

Receiver is a simple type in Kotlin which is extended. Let’s see this with an example -

fun String.lastChar() : Char =
                   this.toCharArray().get(this.length - 1)

We have extended the String type to have lastChar() as a function which means we can always invoke it as -


Here, String is the receiver type and this used in the body of the lastChar() function is the receiver object. Can we combine these 2 concepts - lambda and receiver?

Let’s rewrite our buildString function using lambda with receiver -

fun buildString(action: StringBuilder.() -> Unit): String {
    val sb = StringBuilder()
    return sb.toString()

A few things to note here:

Because action is an extension function on StringBuilder we invoke it using sb.action(), where sb is an instance of StringBuilder

Let’s now create a client of the buildString function -

val str = buildString {
    this.append("Hello") //this here is an instance of StringBuilder
    append(" ")

Isn’t this brilliant? Client code will always have access to this while invoking a function which takes lambda with receiver as a parameter. Shall we rewrite our gradle dependencies DSL code?

Another Attempt at DSL

fun dependencies(action: DependencyHandler.() -> Unit): DependencyHandler {
    val dependencies = DependencyHandler()
    return dependencies

class DependencyHandler {
    fun compile(coordinate: String){
        //add coordinate to some collection
    fun testCompile(coordinate: String){
        //add coordinate to some collection

The only change we have done here is in the dependencies function which takes a lambda with receiver as the parameter. DependencyHandler is the receiver type in the action parameter which means the client code will always have access to the instance of DependencyHandler. Let’s see the client code -

dependencies {
    compile("") //same as this.compile("")

We are able to create a DSL using lambda with receiver as a parameter to a function.

Operator Function invoke()

Kotlin provides an interesting function called invoke which is an operator function. Specifying the invoke operator on a class allows it to be called on any instances of the class without a method name. Let’s see this in action:

class Greeter(val greeting: String) {
    operator fun invoke(name: String) {
        println("$greeting $name")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val greeter = Greeter(greeting = "Welcome")
    greeter(name = "Kotlin")  //this calls the invoke function which takes String as a parameter

A few things to note about invoke() here:

Let’s use the invoke function in building the DSL.

Building DSL using the invoke function

class DependencyHandler {
    fun compile(coordinate: String){
        //add coordinate to some collection
    fun testCompile(coordinate: String){
        //add coordinate to some collection
    operator fun invoke(action: DependencyHandler.() -> Unit): DependencyHandler {
        return this

We have defined an operator function in the DependencyHandler which takes a lambda with receiver as a parameter. This means invoke will automatically be called on instance(s) of DependencyHandler and the client code will have access to the instance of DependencyHandler.

Let’s write the client code:

val dependencies = DependencyHandler()
dependencies { //as good as dependencies.invoke(..)

The operator function invoke() can come in handy while building DSL.

