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Mar 22, 24
A guide to Serializable Snapshot Isolation in Key/Value storage engine
Ensuring data consistency in the face of concurrent transactions is a critical challenge in database management. This article explores Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) that promises the best of both worlds: strong data consistency without sacrificing performance. The article delves into the inner workings of SSI and explore its implementation for a Key/Value storage engine.
Mar 10, 23
WiscKey: Separating Keys from Values in SSD-Conscious Storage
LSM-tree (Log structured merge tree) is a data structure typically used when dealing with write-heavy workloads. LSM-tree optimizes the write-path by performing sequential writes to disk. WiscKey is a persistent LSM-tree-based key-value store that separates keys from values to minimize read and write amplification. The design of WiscKey is highly SSD optimized, leveraging both the sequential and random performance characteristics of the device.
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